1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314

Publications – Hospice Care, Programs and Support


PUBLICATIONS LIST (See Publications Order Form for prices)


Hospice CareHospice Care for Children, Third Edition 2009, Oxford University Press
Ann Armstrong-Dailey and Sarah Zarbock, Eds.

An authoritative source intended for the many people involved in caring for dying children. Covers the entire range of issues related to the hospice environment, from organizational structure to the developmental stages of a child’s understanding of death.

Available for order through Oxford University Press www.oxfordscholarship.com ISBN-13:9780195340709


InterdisciplinaryInterdisciplinary Clinical Manual for Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care
Edited by Susan M. Huff, RN, MSN, and Stacy Orloff, LCSW, EdD

Focuses on the role of the clinicians in the provision of care to children with life-threatening conditions and their families.



Home CareHome Care for Seriously Ill Children:
A Manual for Parents

Edited by Stacy Orloff, LCSW, EdD, and Susan M. Huff, RN, MSN

A manual that serves as a guide and support to parents who, faced with their child’s life-threatening illness, choose to or must care for their child at home.



CHI PACCCHI PACC® Implementation Manual,
Second Edition

Children’s Hospice International with technical assistance from CMS and CHI PACC® demonstration programs. Edited by Sarah Zarbock.

A manual that describes the CHI PACC® program which provides services from the point of diagnosis of a life-threatening condition with hope for cure, to the provision of bereavement counseling to family members.


Purple BalloonPurple Balloon
Chris Raschka

This is an important book – simple, reassuring, and loving. it will be a perfect tool for opening discussion on difficult subject for children, parents, teachers, students and librarians.
– Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu,
Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Hospice CareTowards Light
Marilyn Sunderman

This is a limited edition, numbered and signed lithograph, by artist Marilyn Sunderman, depicting a child releasing a balloon walking into the light

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