A simple way to leave a planned gift to benefit CHI and its mission is to make a bequest including specific language in your will or living trust naming CHI as the recipient of a testamentary gift. Your will or living trust can include gifts in the form of cash, securities or personal property. You may contribute a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the residual of your estate in this manner.
Your estate will receive a charitable deduction for the full donation, so your heirs will not pay estate tax on these assets.
CHI can provide sample language to include in your will or trust, as well as guidance and a thorough review of our policies regarding such a gift.
CHI is not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or tax advice. Information in our publications and on our website is provided as a service to provide general information about charitable giving. Many topics related to charitable giving have complexities and nuances that cannot be adequately detailed in brief articles or announcements. Individuals’ personal situations may vary. Please consult your financial or legal advisor.
Contact CHI my email at info@chionline.org or write to us at:
Children’s Hospice International
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314